Thursday, November 4, 2010

History Story that is Never Told

Many reputable alien theorists have evidence that aliens helped ancient peoples, such as the egyptians, build their massive, extremely complex structures. Erich Von Daniken has brought two very credible pieces of evidence to light: Ancient writings, telling of sky beings, that came to earth in strange vessels, that today would be seen as spacecrafts. 
Another piece of evidence is the hieroglyphics and other symbols of the ancient world. These pictures include strange beings surrounding the pyramids and spacecrafts. There is also a strange hieroglyphic that depicts a lightbulb like object connected to an ancient battery. If it was so easy to create a lightbulb and batteries, why did it take us 
thousands of years to reproduce these pieces of technology with all of the advances we had since then? Things don't add up, unless these ancient peoples had help from some being of higher intelligence.


  1. For this particular post, what do the critics of the alien theory say about this certain hieroglyphic?

  2. That that hieroglyphic was a representation of a light bulb.

  3. I was very skeptical of what you guys were trying to portray at the beginning of the presentation but the video definately help clear everything up for the rest of the presentation.

  4. NaKayla
    I didn't even know there were speculations of aliens in Egypt until your presentation which helped explain why there were certain speculations made.

  5. I think the points brought up in throughout this blog are pretty shady. There wasn't much evidence to back up their theory of the pyramids being built by aliens. Basically they based all their points of the opinion of a couple of individuals in the youtube video they showed in class. I didn't feel that the people in the video made valid points either because they left many open ended points.

  6. I'd really like to see more TEXT in this challenge to the single story. You relied on the video to give us all of the information, instead of including some of your research summaries and findings. The speculation of aliens is very controversial, and you don't address this in your blog post. You don't make it easy to deduce what your own position is on this challenge to the single story. Your oral prsentation made your group position clearer than did this one blog post.
